Bike the Rocket City

Bike Plan logoWelcome to the “Bike the Rocket City” bicycle plan project website! The Huntsville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is developing a bicycle plan to create a safer and connected bicycle network within the Huntsville, Madison, Madison County, and Triana area. The plan will identify future bicycle routes, bike lanes, and/or greenways that connect residents and visitors to destinations and everyday needs. We look forward to hearing from residents to understand concerns and priorities for the development of the future bicycle network within the Huntsville-Madison County metro area. This website will be updated throughout the life of the project with opportunities to share your feedback.


The plan kicked off in January 2024 and will continue through the summer of 2025.

Schedule of Bike Plan milestones


Please share your experience and feedback through the project survey and public input map.


Sheets (Blank)

Print Survey

Meeting Presentation

Engagement Boards:

  1. Introduction and Timeline
  2. Purpose, Vision and Goals
  3. Existing and Previously Proposed Bike Facilities- MPO Region by the Numbers
  4. Demand Analysis- Active Trip Potential
  5. Addressing Safety Concerns
  6. Bicycle Infrastructure Best Practices: Bicycle Facilities
  7. Bicycle Infrastructure Best Practices: Shared-Use Facilities and Intersection Treatments
  8. Bike Infrastructure and Programs
  9. Interactive Questions

Existing and Previously Proposed Bicycle Facilities Maps:

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