2050 LRTP

Please take the online survey for the 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan! The survey will be open until January 3, 2025.

The Huntsville Area MPO has released a DRAFT of the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), also known as TRiP2050. This DRAFT version of the LRTP was approved by the Huntsville Area MPO Policy Board at its December 4, 2024 meeting. The document will be sent to ALDOT and FHWA for review.

The MPO plans to hold several public involvement meetings in January and February 2025 to give the public an opportunity to comment on the plan in addition to the online survey. MPO staff will incorporate comments from public and member jurisdictions in a FINAL 2050 LRTP that will be posted on this page in March 2025 prior to consideration by the MPO Policy Board at its March 19, 2025 meeting.

The Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a road map of transportation projects, both funded and visionary, for the next 25 years in the Huntsville MPO study area. In order for a transportation project to get funding, it must be included in the LRTP. A new LRTP is released by the MPO staff every five years, but is amended as projects warrant.

DRAFT TRiP2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan

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