The Huntsville MPO has released a FINAL draft of the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (TRiP2045). This FINAL version of the TRiP2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan has existed on this website as a living document in prior iterations and drafts. MPO staff added chapters, incorporating comments from public and member jurisdictions, and edited text in real-time since the first draft was posted in January, 2020. Please note the water-marked date of any draft you utilize versus the one on the website. The FINAL draft has no watermark.
The Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a road map of transportation projects, both funded and visionary, for the next 25 years in the Huntsville MPO study area. In order for a transportation project to get funding, it must be included in the LRTP. A new LRTP is released by the MPO staff every five years, but is amended as projects warrant.
FINAL TRiP2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (Updated 9-24-2021 to include Congestion Management Plan changes based on the Regional Commuter Study)
LRTP Presentation to MPO/TCC on April 22, 2020
System Performance Report Amendment to the LRTP, approved by the MPO Board in August 2022
University-Medical Bus Rapid Transit Amendment to the LRTP, approved by the MPO Board in May 2023